Messaros, R.C.; Rosati, J.D.; Buonaiuto, F.; Rasmussen, C.; Vega, A.M., and Bocamazo, L., 2018. Assessing the coastal resilience of Manasquan Inlet to Sea Bright, New Jersey: Regional sediment budget 1992–2003.
Assessing the resilience of regional coastal systems requires analysis of the short- and long-term erosion and accretion characteristics of beach material, including natural and anthropogenic sources and sinks. A regional sediment budget provides that accounting and is pivotal to successful management practices that enhance the resilience of coastal systems. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District, updated the regional sediment budget for Manasquan Inlet to Sea Bright, New Jersey, for 1992–2003, which reflects the effects of various beach replenishment projects. The study area is approximately 33.8 km long and encompasses two inlets, mainland beaches from Manasquan Inlet to Long Branch, and a barrier-spit landform from Long Branch to Sea Bright. The previous sediment budgets represented a relatively eroded and limited source beach condition. This updated sediment budget is the first to analyze the with-project condition incorporating periodic beach nourishments/renourishments. The shore protection project consisted of an initial fill of approximately 17 Mm3 (million cubic meters) between 1994 and 2002 and additional fill/renourishment of 11 Mm3 between 2008 and 2016. Data for the sediment budget were based on volumetric change of the beach as developed from digitized, historical, aerial shoreline images as well as volumes and location of sediment replenishment (nourishment) activities in this region of the shoreline. Results from this budget indicate a net longshore transport of sediment northward from Manasquan Inlet toward Sea Bright, increasing from 106,000 m3/y just north of Manasquan Inlet to 343,000 m3/y north of Monmouth Beach. This updated sediment budget establishes a good understanding of the beach processes over time, which will enhance the ability to provide better coastal management and resilience for the northern New Jersey shoreline.