Van Wellen, E., 2019. Global Engineering Congress (GEC): Notes and goals from the 2018 conference. Journal of Coastal Research, 35(3), 485–488. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
From 22 October 2018 to 26 October 2018, the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in London hosted the Global Engineering Congress (GEC). The GEC formed part of the ICE 200 bicentenary programme, the 50th anniversary of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations, and the UK Government's Year of Engineering. The Congress focused on five of the 17 global United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals set in 2015. These five goals are inextricably linked with the world's coastal community and its environment. Using the numbering system of the UN, these five goals are: Clean Water and Sanitation (Goal 6); Affordable and Clean Energy (Goal 7); Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (Goal 9); Sustainable Cities and Communities (Goal 11); and Climate Action (Goal 13). They are absolutely vital for all of us, who as a global community, urgently need to take action on climate change and address issues such as delivering clean water to all, sustainable energy, and connectivity. This communication reports on the GEC and the role that the global coastal community can play and has to play in addressing the major issues at stake.