Tano, A.R.; Djakouré, S.; Yao, S.; Kouadio, Y., and Aman, A., 2023. Characterization of coastal flooding events along Cote d'Ivoire (West Africa). Journal of Coastal Research, 39(3), 494–501. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

Sea-level rise and associated extreme events threaten coastal resources and human life through coastal flooding. Although these risks increase annually with the continuous rise in mean sea level, the extent of the affected surfaces and the duration of their exposure remain poorly understood. This study determined the flood risk levels and the durations of inundation along the coastal zone of Cote d'Ivoire by analyzing tide, storm surge waves, and coastal elevation over the period 1993–2019. The coastal flooding index (CFI), which is the difference between coastal elevation and total water height induced by coastal processes, was computed for each coastal subsection of the Ivorian coastal area. The results showed that the coastal section ranging between Cape Palmas and Vridi is less exposed to flooding, while the subsection between Vridi and Cape Three Points, particularly in Bassam, is exposed more to flooding. The duration of flooded areas ranged between 2 and 7 days. Waves and tides, which represent more than 90% of sea-level variation, are the main physical forcing mechanisms that induce coastal flooding. The study revealed that CFI will increase in the future and the flooded areas will increase, particularly along the eastern part of the coast. The identified high-flood-risk areas will require rapid interventions to protect coastal ecosystems, infrastructure, and vulnerable coastal dwellers. The results of this study could help in development of an early warning system.

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