Nguyen, K.A.T.; Nguelifack, B.M.; Nguyen, T.A.T., and Jolly, C.M., 2023. African ocean health production function: Policy implications. Journal of Coastal Research, 39(3), 519–530. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.
The study used a two-stage production function, rank regression in the first stage, and probit and ordinary least squares regression in the second stage, to evaluate the effect of socio-economic, environmental, physical, and demographic factors on ocean health. The rank regression analysis coefficients were evaluated using a “t” test. Biodiversity, Tourism, Recreation, Fish Production, Livelihoods, and Sense of Place were all significant at p-value <.01, while carbon storage was significant at p-value <0.05. Artisanal Fisheries were significant at p-value <0.1. The variable Biodiversity had the highest elasticity (.43). A 1.0% increase in biodiversity is likely to increase the Ocean Health Index (OHI) score by 0.43%, while 1.0% increases in sense of place and coastal livelihoods will increase the OHI by 0.14% and 0.13%, respectively. The relative influence result suggests that the most important variables are Tourism and Recreation (27.6%), Natural Products (20.6%), Food Production (14.1%), Carbon Storage (11.0%), and Coastal Protection (4.8%). The probit model showed that human development index influenced ocean health. Development policies may consider the inclusion of changes in Tourism and Recreation, Fish Provision, and Carbon Storage to improve African ocean health.