Zhang, T.; Cai, W., and Hu, M., 2023. Configuration design of a cruise ship lifesaving system based on a genetic algorithm. Journal of Coastal Research, 39(3), 569–581. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

To improve the configuration design of cruise ship lifesaving systems, this study proposes a system configuration design method based on a genetic algorithm. The configuration design of the lifesaving system of a cruise ship is a combinatorial optimisation problem, with various performance constraints. This study analyses the rules of the configuration design through regression analysis and establishes a mathematical model on this basis. Subsequently, aiming at the discrete problem of the selection and configuration of lifesaving equipment on cruise ships, combined with the characteristics of genetic programming, the lifesaving system required by cruise ships is analysed, classified, and described as a coding structure form of genetic programming. From the perspective of safety, a genetic programming solution strategy for equipment configuration is proposed. The results show that the system configuration design method of cruise ship lifesaving equipment proposed in this study is effective and practical, and a reasonable configuration design scheme can be obtained accurately and efficiently.

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