Orchard, S; Atkin, E.A., and Mead, S.T., 2019. Development of the regional significance concept for surf break management in Aotearoa New Zealand. In: Bryan, K.R. and Atkin, E.A. (eds.), Surf Break Management in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 87, pp. 23-34. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

New Zealand is at the forefront of global developments in the management of surf breaks. Since establishing legal protection under the New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 the focus has shifted to the implementation responsibilities of local government. Within this context, a new planning mechanism has evolved around the concept of identifying surf breaks of ‘regional significance’ as a focus for protective measures. This paper provides a comprehensive review of these new developments including the different approaches taken in technical assessments and statutory plans to date. Although the concept is still in its infancy, there have been a range of approaches used that differ in many important aspects. These include the information sources relied upon, methodologies for community participation, and the rationale for conferring regional significance status. Two major paradigms can be identified in the design of assessment processes: the direct nomination of surf breaks for regional significance by local knowledge holders, and the assessment of surf breaks against regional significance criteria and associated qualifying thresholds. At the current point in time there are a range of philosophical decisions to be worked through in relation to the intended role in the management context, and the non-disclosure of sensitive locations leading to their exclusion from assessments. The current examples provide an important starting point towards a comprehensive approach for recognising national, regional and local levels of significance. Further developments can be expected as management authorities incorporate and build upon on these new approaches to surf resource management.

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