It's heartening to see the paper presentations at the Ocean Society of India Conference (OSICON) in 2017 culminating in to a special issue in the prestigious Journal of Coastal Research (JCR). This special issue comprises 25 papers selected from a total of 152 papers presented in the Ocean Society of India Conference (OSICON 17) held during 28-30 August, 2017 at the National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS), Thiruvananthapuram, India. The focal theme of the conference was ‘Oceans and Climate Change' with particular reference to the Indian Ocean and was jointly organised by NCESS, Thiruvananthapuram, National Centre for Coastal Research (NCCR), Chennai and the Ocean Society of India (OSI). In the present scenario of increasing adverse impacts due to global warming and climate change, studies related to coupling of ocean, atmosphere and land interactions are gaining momentum as they play a key role in modulation of the climate. The Indian...

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