Kim, J.Y.; Choi, Y.S.; Kim, T.Y.; Lee, S.H., and Kwon, S., 2019. Study on the permeability and TSS removal efficiency of permeable pavement using constant head particle loading test. In: Lee, J.L.; Yoon, J.-S.; Cho, W.C.; Muin, M., and Lee, J. (eds.), The 3rd International Water Safety Symposium. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 91, pp. 236-240. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Climate changes cause extreme disasters frequently such as storms, floods and tsunmai in lowlands and coastal areas. A new paradigm for the prevention of disaster damages has been required. To date, LID technologies using porous materials has been paid attention to control direct runoff, floods and NPSs. Permeable pavement among LID technologies which prevent floods and reduce NPSs can be actively applied to sidewalks, parking lots and driveways in lowlands and coastal areas. However, the loss of permeability in the material matrix has been considered as a critical issue when pore is clogged by particles for maintaining the constructed facility in the field. Herein, we conducted particle loading test at constant head to obtain the permeability coefficient and TSS removal efficiency to evaluate the cyclic performance of the permeable pavement system, and further determine their correlation. We found that the change of permeability coefficient was 273 ∼ 72 mm/s when the ∼ 4.2 kg/m2 particles were loaded for 60 minutes. Trend of permeability coefficient depends on amount of particle per time. This means that loading particles in a short time make more clogging than a long time. The TSS removal efficiency was >80% at different hydraulic gradient and inflow concentration. Trend of TSS removal efficiency increased as particles were loaded. The correlation between the permeability coefficient and TSS removal efficiency is inversely proportional. Although the results will vary depending on the specification of the pavement system, this method can be used to estimate the effective replacement period with further researches.