Ramírez-Vargas, D.L.; Mendoza, E.; Lithgow, D., and Silva, R., 2019. A quantitative methodology for evaluating coastal squeeze based on a fuzzy logic approach: Case study of Campeche, Mexico. In: Silva, R.; Martínez, M.L.; Chávez, V., and Lithgow, D. (eds.), Integrating Biophysical Components in Coastal Engineering Practices. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 92, pp. 101–111. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
In order to improve coastal management and decision-making, it is necessary to quantify the coastal squeeze. This study proposes a methodology for quantitative coastal squeeze assessment in the Gulf of Mexico, based on a fuzzy logic approach. Three study sites in Campeche, Mexico, were selected, each with contrasting economic activities, populations and coastal infrastructure: Playa Bonita, Sabancuy and Nuevo Campechito. For the coastline evolution, the intensity and frequency of storms, land use change and coastal hardening were taken as the main drivers of coastal squeeze. For each study site maps of coastal squeeze distribution and intensity are presented. The results suggest that the entire coast of Campeche is undergoing a process of coastal squeeze that threatens the highly diverse coastal ecosystems there and endangers infrastructure and human lives.