Do, J.D.; Chang, Y.S.; Kim, C.H.; Kim, W-.H.; Lee, B-.G.; Wie, G. J., and Jin, J.-W., 2020. Measurement of nearshore seabed bathymetry using airborne/mobile LiDAR and multibeam sonar at Hujeong Beach, Korea. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 1067-1071. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Accurate bathymetric measurements are important, especially in nearshore areas, because coastal sediment transport and the resulting beach erosion/accretion processes are significantly affected by seabed topography. At Hujeong Beach in Korea, for example, local shorelines show severe spatiotemporal variations as a result of seabed topography including underwater rocks. The accuracy of bathymetry measurements are not guaranteed, however, because high-accuracy acoustic sensors—such as multi-beam echo sounders—have a limited measurement capability. In this study, we investigated the accuracy of the nearshore bathymetry at Hujeong Beach using airborne LiDAR (a-LiDAR) data from May, 2017. One of the benefits of a-LiDAR is its ability to conduct both onshore and offshore mapping by detecting laser pulses reflected from land, the sea surface, and seabeds. The a-LiDAR measurements were validated onshore in a sloped roadside area using data measured via ship-mounted mobile LiDAR (m-LiDAR). A high agreement was found between the two datasets, with R-squared values of 0.9999 and mean square errors less than 0.05 m2. In measurements of seabed bathymetry, a-LiDAR agreed well with measurements from a multi-beam echo sounder over a sandy seabed and showed an accuracy similar to the m-LiDAR validation results. However, the accuracy of a-LiDAR measurements decreased significantly over rocky seabed; the mean square error compared to the multi-beam data increased to 0.6–0.8 m2. The high a-LiDAR errors over this rocky area may be a consequence of the irregular shape of its surface. Return signals from underwater rocks of varying shapes may be spread over wider angles, causing signal interference and reducing the measurement resolution in the area.

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