Su, M.; Gong, Z.; Yao, P.; Pu, J., and Lu, Y., 2020. Investigation on factors of influence on long-term morphodynamic evolution of a multi-outlets estuarine-deltaic system: A case study of the Lingding Bay, Pearl River Delta. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 664–668. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Deltas that formed by single river outlets have been widely studied, whereas there are also many deltas that formed by multiple river outlets, deserving more attentions. Compared with the delta which is developed by single river outlet with one or more branching channels, the influence factors and the interaction between outlets are more complicated. In this study, we aim to investigate the long-term morphodynamic evolution mechanism of a compound delta, formed by multi-river outlets simultaneously. This study takes the Lingding Bay of the Pearl River Delta as an example to explore evolution features and factors of influence of such compound deltas. Based on a schematized morphodynamic model, the simulated compound deltaic system shows two main features: dense channel network and asymmetry distribution between the eastern and western parts. The relative importance of several influencing factors has been assessed through a series of scenarios. Results suggest that tidal range is the most important factor on the evolution of compound deltaic system, while the influence of water and sediment discharge ratio of river outlets are ignorable. Pattern of the compound delta exhibits unique features compared to deltas formed by single river outlets. Furthermore, compound deltas developed by multi-river outlets is not the direct overlay of each sub-deltas. The interaction between sub-deltas is important for the development of compound delta and should not be ignored.

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