Scherer, M.E.G.; Nicolodi, J.L.; Costa, M.F.; Corriani, N.R.; Gonçalves, R.K.; Cristiano, S.C.; Ramos, B.; Camargo, J.M.; Souza, V.A.; Fischer, L.O.; Sardinha, G.; Mattos, M.P.S., and Pfuetzenreuter, A., 2020. Under new management. In: Malvárez, G. and Navas, F. (eds.), Global Coastal Issues of 2020. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 95, pp. 945–952. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Beaches are of public access in most countries. This condition generates many societal benefits, which can be a challenge for managers. In Brazil, beaches are public spaces, with free access to all who wish to enjoy environmental services. Until recently, very limited choice of management autonomy was given to the local beach managers, which contrasted with the returned amount of responsibilities in keeping this public asset. Therefore, a new management option was put to local administrators by Federal Law 13.240/2015. The municipality can now take part in an agreement with the Federal Heritage Secretary, the national institution ultimately in charge of beach management. This agreement grants more power to local managers of urban beaches. In order to fulfil this agreement, they must observe and develop a set of measures that contribute to safer, equal and more sustainable use of the space. In a period of nearly three years, 61 Brazilian costal municipalities (out of 295 candidates) have been granted the agreement. In order to monitor and evaluate its compliance, a set of indicators were developed and are being applied. The evolution of these indicators scores is the most important tool to monitor the effectiveness of the agreement at diverse spatial and temporal scales, since the start of the decision process. Monitoring is then being carried out through on line and in situ data generation and treatment. The success of this co-management tool will depend on the application of well-established adaptive management techniques, as well as effective communication among stakeholders. Signing the agreement is not compulsory, but the majority of municipal managers are expected to do so, in face of potential outcomes. Due to the extent of the Brazilian coastline, and number of stakeholders potentially involved, this is believed to be one of the largest coastal management proposals in the world.

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