The Holocene environmental evolution of the Bojuru region, Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil, was inferred from seismic, geochronologic, sedimentologic, and paleontologic data. The absolute ages of two samples, determined by the 14C method, are 9400 ± 140 Cal BP and 7370 ±150 Cal BP. On the basis of lithology and palynomorph and diatom data, the six stages of paleoenvironmental development of this region were chosen. Layers of muddy sediments characterized by a significant incidence of marine palynomorphs and marine and estuarine diatoms were deposited during the Early and Middle Holocene. Seismic records (3.5 kHz) revealed a prominent buried paleochannel that can be correlated to the present Barra Falsa channel. The main period of the channel incision was related to the last regressive event of the Late Pleistocene. During the last Holocene transgression, this paleochannel was filled up by fluvial, estuarine, and marine sediments. The integrated analysis of data reveals that the Barra Falsa feature resulted from a former channel connecting the Patos lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean. The closure of this inlet channel is attributed to shifts in the sedimentation milieu related to the transgressive maximum and subsequent regression during the Late Holocene.