The processes of upwelling off the southern tip (the Kanyakumari coast) and the west coast of India are highly localised features with different forcing mechanisms, and they cannot be treated as a uniform wind-driven upwelling system. Off the Kanyakumari coast, upwelling is due to the south-west monsoon winds that are tangential to the coast. Along the west coast, the area between 8° N and 9° N represents the shadow zone to the influence of the remote forcing on the upwelling; the latter is forced by the longshore wind stress. Moderate to relatively intense upwelling occurs along the Kollam to Mangalore coast (9° N to 13° N) due to the combined action of the longshore wind stress, the coastally trapped Kelvin waves, and the offshore propagating Rossby waves. North of this area (13° N to 15° N), upwelling is weak due to weak wind stress and is closely confined to the coastal belt. This results from the suppressive effect of the southwards-flowing Arabian Sea high saline water on the process of upwelling along this coastal stretch.

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