The coral reefs off of southeast Florida consist of essential substrate-building components that fulfill the niches of many key marine species. Among those marine species are a wide array of organisms, from reef fish (left to right, squirrelfish, Holocentrus adscensionis, bluestriped grunt, Haemulon sciurus, French grunt, Haemulon flavolineatum) to invertebrate soft corals (sea fan, Gorgonia flabellum). The reef community health relies on a synergistic relationship between all these marine species, and is dependent upon human influences being avoided or minimized.

Proper characterization of the coral reef ecosystem is necessary not only from a research aspect, but also from a conservation management standpoint. Without accurate documentation of these benthic communities, the status of the reef will never be scientifically quantified. Specifically, coastal protection projects have the potential for reef degradation, whether through sand placement or through offshore sediment dredging. A quantitative standard of reef characterization allows for...

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