Xing, J.; Ni, H.; Li, X., and Fu, X., 2015. Effects of different pre-treatments on the seed germination of carex lasiocarpa.
Constructed wetland is one of the main ways to improve the water quality. Vegetation is the important group of the ecological system for improving the water quality in Constructed wetland. And the vegetation are obtained generally from seeds. Carex lasiocarpa is a widely distributed species of wetland plants, and it is a dominant species in the SanJiang wetlands. However, its seed is difficult to germinate - this study was conducted to determine effective methods for enhancing germination. The germination percentage, germination initiation time and germination period of C. lasiocarpa seeds were significantly improved by soaking seeds in various concentrations of potassium nitrate or sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The maximum germination percentage (70%)(V/V) was obtained by pre-treatment of seed by immersing in 10% NaOH for 60 min, followed by 30/20°C (this is the temperature suitable for germination). Higher germination rate contributes to the wetland plants for breeding, it is significance to realize the function of Constructed wetland.