Wilson, O.A and Power. H.E., 2016. Tsunami Inundation Modelling in Estuaries: Sensitivity to Variation in Tide from an Emergency Management Perspective., Proceedings of the 14th International Coastal Symposium (Sydney, Australia). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, No. 75, pp. 1262 - 1266. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Using tsunami modelling case studies in Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour), this paper assesses the sensitivity of tsunami modelling to variations in tidal data inputs. Four distinct model setups were all run twice with different tide data inputs. The tide inputs differed in the tidal stage with one input as a leading trough wave (a wave trough followed by a wave peak) and one input as a leading peak wave (a wave peak followed by a trough). One tidal wavelength coincides with the typical duration of a earthquake generated tsunami wave train, which is approximately 12 hours. The model results were assessed primarily for their differences from the perspective of emergency hazard management. It was found that maximum inundation area, maximum current speed and maximum wave height had negligible differences. Momentum results were consistent with the direction of tidal movement. It was concluded that for the outputs required by emergency management services, either a leading trough or leading peak tidal wave is suitable for tsunami modelling in estuaries.

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