Tropical coasts are currently facing an intensification of coastal risks under increasing demographic pressure, natural hazard and uncontrolled exploitation of resources associated with rapid economic development. All these issues draw attention to the need of a greater understanding of present dynamic and future evolution of these environments. The functioning of these tropical sandy environments (e.g., under extreme events, monsoons, storm-free low-energy, large steric sea level variations, climatic modes) is, in general, scarcely documented in scientific literature. Tropical coasts cover a large part of world coastal environments. While the sediment composition and the geomorphology of these environments resemble the extensively studied mid/high latitude coasts, the oceanic forcing is fundamentally distinct. Such aspect limitates the direct application of existing knowledge on sandy environments and recalls for the need of observations and studies on these environments.

The foundations of this Special Issue are linked to the outputs of the COASTVAR project...

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