Damghi, A.; Bouazzati, H.; El M'rini, A., and Nibani, H., 2024. Exploring coastal dynamics in Morocco's Mediterranean region using (AUV) technology. In: Phillips, M.R.; Al-Naemi, S., and Duarte, C.M. (eds.), Coastlines under Global Change: Proceedings from the International Coastal Symposium (ICS) 2024 (Doha, Qatar). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 113, pp. 690-694. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.
Our contribution, entitled "Exploring coastal dynamics in Morocco's Mediterranean region using AUV technology", offers an innovative insight into the unique coastal features of this area, by using data collected during two separate missions by the Sea Explorer glider; an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) equipped with a GPCTD payload, to collect hight accuracy temperature and conductivity data. Our study takes a deep dive into Moroccan Mediterranean waters, tackling the urgent need to fill gaps in available data. This research has both significant scientific and practical value, as it addresses crucial gaps in our understanding of coastal phenomena, particularly in our study area. Our results include detailed scientific high resolution plots of temperature and salinity, offering near-Real Time (nRT) data. All data collected are meticulously integrated into oceanographic models, providing a comprehensive understanding of currents, water exchanges, and other coastal processes. This integrated approach highlights the practical implications for coastal management and planning, especially in the context of global change.