A Georgia survey indicated that retail garden outlets purchased about 86% of plant material directly from growers. The estimated wholesale value of plants purchased by retail garden outlets represented in this survey was about $30M. The mean wholesale value of plants purchased by garden centers ($99K) greatly exceeded that of feed and seed ($22K) and hardware($24K) stores. The most important factor in selection of a plant supplier by a retail garden outlet was plant quality. The mix of plant material purchased varied with the type of retail outlet as did the information sources used to determine which plants to purchase. The marketing implications of these results for growers are discussed.
Author notes
Supported in part by The Horticultural Research Institute, 1250 I Street NW, Suite 500. Washington, DC, 20005.
2Professor of Horticulture and Extension Nursery Specialist.
3Professor, Department of Statistical and Computer Services, Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA 31793-0748.