Five organic mulches (pine bark, hardwood bark, cedar chips, longleaf pine needles, shortleaf pine needles), used alone or in combination with two inorganic mulches (black polyethylene, woven polypropylene), were evaluated over two years for weed control, durability, aesthetic value, and influence upon soil temperature. Organic mulches reduced total weed counts by 50% compared to control plots. and underlaying organic mulches with polyethylene resulted in complete control. Polypropylene, used in combination with organic mulch, was ineffective in controlling perennial weed species. Pine bark was the most durable organic mulch, requiring the least replenishment (70% initial volume) after 630 days. Durability of organic mulches increased when underlaid with polyethylene. Longleaf pine needles were rated most attractive, and underlying organic materials with either polyethylene or polypropylene enhanced appearance. Organic mulches reduced maximum daily temperatures at the soil surface by 2.2–3.3°C (4–6°F) and increased minimum daily temperatures by 1.1–2.2°C (2–4°F). However, the type of organic mulch did not affect temperatures at the soil surface.
Author notes
This research was funded by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. Use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the NCARS of products named nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned. Technical assistance of Mary R. Lorscheider is gratefully acknowledged.
3Associate Professor.
4Graduate Research Assistant.