Fraser fir [Abies fraseri (Pursh) Poir.], the most important Christmas tree species in North Carolina, is rapidly gaining popularity nationwide. It is propagated by seed, but special needs such as genetic improvement will involve use of grafting, air layering, propagation by stem cuttings, and micropropagation (tissue culture). This paper summarizes research conducted to date on Fraser fir concerning these techniques in addition to information regarding seed production and sexual propagation.
Author notes
This research was funded by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7543. Many individuals contributed to the research reported herein dealing with sexual propagation of Fraser fir and vegetative propagation of the species by stem cuttings and micropropagation. Former graduate students, without whose efforts much of this work would not have been possible, include Craig R. Adkins, Paul H. Henry, N. Frederick Miller, Jr.; Carole H. Saravitz, and Farrell C. Wise.