Stem cuttings of four popular clones of eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis L. ‘Ace of Hearts’, ‘Appalachian Red’, ‘Hearts of Gold’, and ‘Forest Pansy’) were taken on seven dates following budbreak during Spring and Summer 2007 and evaluated for rooting potential. Rooting was affected by a clone and cutting date interaction, indicating the optimum time to take cuttings was different for each clone. Cuttings of ‘Ace of Hearts’ taken 6 weeks after budbreak (WAB) rooted at 75 and 71% when treated with the potassium (K) salt (K-salt) of indolebutyric acid (K-IBA) at 5000 mg·liter−1 (ppm) or 15,000 mg·liter−1, respectively. In contrast, cuttings of ‘Appalachian Red’ rooted at 96 and 93% when taken 15 WAB, the last date tested for that clone, and treated with K-IBA at 5000 mg·liter−1 or 15,000 mg·liter−1, respectively. When taken 8 WAB and treated with K-IBA at 5000 mg·liter−1 or 15,000 mg·liter−1, cuttings of ‘Hearts of Gold’ rooted at 42 and 58%, respectively. Cuttings of ‘Forest Pansy’ rooted poorly regardless of collection date or K-IBA treatment. Treatment of ‘Ace of Hearts’, ‘Appalachian Red’, and ‘Hearts of Gold’ with higher K-IBA rates generally did not increase rooting percentages, but often resulted in more robust root systems. Propagation by stem cuttings may be feasible for some clones of eastern redbud, but separate protocols are necessary for each clone.
Author notes
This research was funded in part by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. Use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the NCARS of the products named nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned. Special thanks to Rick Crowder, Hawksridge Farms, Hickory, NC, for providing plant material and to William H. Swallow for statistical assistance. Technical assistance of William M. Reece is gratefully acknowledged. From a thesis submitted by J.M.W. in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS degree.
2Graduate Teaching Assistant.
3Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor and corresponding author. [email protected]
4Former Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor. Currently: Professor and Head, Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources, 2021 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. [email protected]