Five common preemergence herbicides [Scotts OH2 (oxy fluorfen and pendimethalin), Snapshot TG (trifluralin and isoxaben), Ronstar (oxadiazon), SureGuard (flumioxazin), or BroadStar (flumioxazin)] were each applied at the highest labeled rates at 6 to 8 week intervals over the growing season to six species of container-grown seedling rootstocks. Dormant scions were bench-grafted to their respective rootstocks the following winter. Research was conducted in 2006–2007 and repeated in 2007–2008. Treatment effects were compared to non-treated control plants. Preemergence herbicide treatments had no effect on grafting success for any of the cultivars. Data indicate that these preemergence herbicides, labeled for use in container-grown nursery crops, can be used in accordance with label recommendations to control weeds in containerized rootstocks without affecting subsequent grafting success.

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Author notes

This research was funded in part by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. Technical assistance of Akari and Uiche Sakae, Joe Conner, Nathan P. Lynch, Selso Belanos, Clifford D. Ruth, and Jeff Jones is gratefully acknowledged.

2Assistant Professor. [email protected]

3Owner, Highland Creek Nursery, Fletcher, NC.
