Five common preemergence herbicides [Scotts OH2 (oxy fluorfen and pendimethalin), Snapshot TG (trifluralin and isoxaben), Ronstar (oxadiazon), SureGuard (flumioxazin), or BroadStar (flumioxazin)] were each applied at the highest labeled rates at 6 to 8 week intervals over the growing season to six species of container-grown seedling rootstocks. Dormant scions were bench-grafted to their respective rootstocks the following winter. Research was conducted in 2006–2007 and repeated in 2007–2008. Treatment effects were compared to non-treated control plants. Preemergence herbicide treatments had no effect on grafting success for any of the cultivars. Data indicate that these preemergence herbicides, labeled for use in container-grown nursery crops, can be used in accordance with label recommendations to control weeds in containerized rootstocks without affecting subsequent grafting success.
Author notes
This research was funded in part by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS), Raleigh, NC 27695-7643. Technical assistance of Akari and Uiche Sakae, Joe Conner, Nathan P. Lynch, Selso Belanos, Clifford D. Ruth, and Jeff Jones is gratefully acknowledged.
2Assistant Professor. [email protected]
3Owner, Highland Creek Nursery, Fletcher, NC.