Water absorbency of 4 commercially available hydrophylic polymers (hydrogels) (Agrosoke, Liqua-gel, Mizuace and Terra-sorb HB) in response to 4 media amendments (Micromax, Osmocote 18N-2.6P-10.0K (18-6-12), gypsum and dolomitic limestone) and the combination of 4 amendments was determined. Water absorbency of 4 hydrogels was reduced by all amendments except Osmocote added to Liqua-gel. Generally, hydrogel absorbency was reduced most by Micromax and the combination of media amendments, followed by gypsum, Osmocote, and dolomitic limestone. None of the hydrogels functioned as advertised.
Author notes
Technical assistance of Adlyn Krohn, Ornamental Horticulture Substation, Mobile, AL is gratefully acknowledged.
2Former Superintendent, Ornamental Horticulture Substation, Mobile, AL 36689.
3Associate Professor of Horticulture.