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Publications Policies

Research reports of either basic or applied studies related to environmental horticulture will be considered by the Editorial Board. The acceptance of all research papers in the Journal is generally based on a recommendation for acceptance by two or more reviewers. Members of the Editorial Board provide guidance on journal policies and may participate in manuscript review. Manuscripts of symposia presentations, review papers, and new cultivar release announcements are not subject to the same review requirements.

The essential contents of articles/manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Environmental Horticulture must not have been previously published in a refereed publication and submission to the Journal of Environmental Horticulture implies no concurrent submissions to other journals. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Environmental Horticulture should be substantially different from locally published progress or extension reports.

Manuscript Submission. Manuscripts should be submitted online at Email any questions to Jeffrey Derr, Editor, at [email protected]. Contact information for the Editor is: Jeffrey Derr, Virginia Tech, Hampton Roads Ag. Res. and Extension Center, 1444 Diamond Springs Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23455, phone 757/363-3912.

All manuscripts are edited for grammar, originality, conciseness, scientific merit, and contributions to environmental horticulture. Changes may be required to achieve uniformity of style, clarity of presentation, and economy of words.

Following review and acceptance, authors will be asked to make final corrections and submit the final version of their manuscript for publication electronically to the same website used for manuscript submission using Microsoft Word. Prior to publication, a proof will be provided to the author(s), who will be responsible for its accuracy. Promptness (< 30 days) in returning corrected proofs to the editor is essential. Authors will be charged for any major changes from the original copy.

Reprinting and quotations from the Journal of Environmental Horticulture are permitted only on the conditions that full credit is given to both the Journal of Environmental Horticulture and the author(s) and that the volume, issue number, pagination, and date of publication are indicated.

A publishing fee invoice will be sent to the corresponding author at publication. This should be completed as instructed and returned promptly to the Horticultural Research Institute at 2130 Stella Court, Columbus, OH 43215, or at [email protected].

The publication fee is $1,200 per article and published manuscripts will be open source, thus increasing their visibility. The publication fee does not apply to papers presented at programs or symposia sponsored by the Horticultural Research Institute or to new cultivar releases.

Please see author instructions here.

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