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Publication Policy and Ethics Statement

The Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) publishes original research and scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed articles in the Journal of Environmental Horticulture. HRI, a nonprofit organization, owns and manages the Journal of Environmental Horticulture. The Journal of Environmental Horticulture publishes important, relevant and current research results relating to nursery and greenhouse production, floriculture, and the maintenance of nursery plants and turfgrass in landscapes. The journal is open source and strictly online with no printed copies. Manuscripts are welcome from scientists world-wide working in these areas. The Journal also encourages the publication of review articles and symposium papers, including ones presented at Horticultural Research Institute, AmericanHort, or at similar meetings, that bring together past and current literature related to environmental horticulture. Additionally, the Journal encourages the publication of notices for new cultivar releases to the nursery, greenhouse, floriculture, or landscape industries.

The Journal of Environmental Horticulture (ISSN 0738-2898) is published online quarterly on in March, June, September, and December. An archive of previously-published manuscripts is maintained on the Journal website. Reprints and quotations of portions of this publication are permitted on condition that full credit be given to both the Journal of Environmental Horticulture and the author(s), and that the date of publication be stated. Copyright by the Horticultural Research Institute. It is recommended that those interested in the Journal register on the Journal website.

Research manuscripts of either basic or applied studies related to environmental horticulture will be considered by the Editorial Board. Directions for authors are listed at this website: Members of the Editorial Board are listed on Manuscripts must contain original material and must contribute to the advancement of knowledge. All authors on a manuscript must have contributed to the research. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes when discovered to the Editor. Retractions and corrections will be published in the Journal as appropriate.

The essential contents of articles/manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Environmental Horticulture must not have been previously published in a refereed publication. Acceptance is made with the understanding that the substance of the manuscript has not been and will not be published elsewhere other than as an abstract or as a preliminary progress or extension report. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Environmental Horticulture should be substantially different from locally published progress or extension reports.

All research papers will undergo a peer-review process, based on the advice of reviewers’ experts in the field of publication. Judgments and findings in the peer review process will be objective, and reviewers will have no conflict of interest. Reviewers will acknowledge and note related, published work not yet cited. Reviewed articles will be treated confidentially prior to publication. The acceptance of all research papers in the Journal is generally based on a recommendation for acceptance by two or more reviewers, who are experts in the field and who will remain anonymous to the authors. Members of the Editorial Board provide guidance on journal policies and may participate in manuscript review. Reviewers, the editor, and the publisher shall take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of papers where research misconduct has occurred.

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