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Issue Cover
Current Issue
Volume 60,
Issue 1
January 2025


Wayne A. Gardner

ISSN: 0749-8004

Impact Factor

About this Journal

The Journal of Entomological Science (ISSN 0749-8004) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that is published quarterly (January, April, July, and October) under the auspices of the Georgia Entomological Society in concert with Allen Press (Lawrence, Kansas). Manuscripts deemed acceptable for publication in the Journal report original research with insects and related arthropods or literature reviews offering foundations to innovative directions in entomological research.

Cover images for each of the four issues of Volume 55 were selected among entries in the 2018 GES Photo Salon.

Polistes sp. queen

Taken by Pin-Chu Lai
(Univ. of Georgia)

Estigmene acrea

Taken by Apurba Barman
(Univ. of Georgia)

Trialeurodes abutiloneus

Taken by Apurba Barman
(Univ. of Georgia)

Apiomerus vexillarius

Taken by Jason Chen
(Univ. of Georgia)

Submissions and Content

The Journal of Entomological Science invites submission of manuscripts reporting original research with insects and related arthropods or literature reviews offering foundations to innovative directions in entomological research. Manuscripts may be formatted as research papers or scientific notes. Manuscripts should follow the Journal’s Style Guidelines and should be submitted electronically to the Journal’s online manuscript submission and review system, PeerTrack. Authors using PeerTrack will be required to establish an account in the system.

Page and Publication Charges

The Journal of Entomological Science operates as a non-profit entity and must assess authors page and publication charges for each publication. Those are $55 USD per final printed page (approximately 400 to 450 words per page). The per page charges are reduced to $40 USD for papers with a senior author who is a Georgia Entomological Society member in good standing. Figures and images are assessed an additional cost of $20 to $40 USD each depending upon line, half-tone, or color composition.

Georgia Entomological Society

The Journal of Entomological Science operates as a non-profit entity under the auspices of the Georgia Entomological Society. The Society was established in 1937 and fosters entomological accomplishments among its members and the scientific community through dissemination and sharing of results of original research, innovations in technology transfer, and information on entomology. The Society meets annually to provide entomologists, industry professionals, and scientists and students in related disciplines opportunities to share accomplishments, honor recipients of awards and scholarships offered by the Society, and interact in various social and recreational activities. Membership in the Society includes a subscription and reduced page charges to the Journal of Entomological Science.

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