Given the widespread application of BIM technology across the construction industry, there is a commensurate need to cultivate professionals able to fulfil industry expectations. In particular, assessing the current effectiveness of BIM education within construction management programs at universities is a necessary step in delivering graduates sufficiently adept in BIM practice. In this study, we constructed a model of the driving factors of BIM education effectiveness in the field of construction management based on Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory (SCT). Data was drawn from 351 valid, returned questionnaires from an initial 721 distributed to candidate respondents across the Sichuan-Chongqing region, China. The results revealed that the direct impact of both the theoretical BIM educational environment and practical BIM education quality on BIM education effectiveness was not significant. They nevertheless had a significant positive indirect impact through the generation of BIM professional self-efficacy. The influence of BIM professional decision-making self-efficacy proved to be greater than that of BIM professional decision-making coping self-efficacy. Based on these findings, this study provides targeted recommendations for further enhancing the effectiveness of BIM education in the field of engineering management, both within China and elsewhere.