Advertising in the Journal of Green Building
The Benefits of Advertising
Advertise job openings, upcoming conferences, calls-for-papers, books, important news about your program, and other items of interest to our readers. Companies may advertise news that is of particular relevance to an academic audience.
Please contact the Publisher at [email protected] for advertising rates.
Guide to Meridian Ad Specifications
Version 12.3.19
Acceptable File Formats
Unacceptable File Formats
Resolution Recommendations
The preferred file resolution is web-optimized 72 dpi. High-resolution graphics may be down-sampled to ensure that images load quickly.
Size and Placement Options
The following placement options are available for all Meridian sites (individual customers may choose to restrict the locations available for paid advertisements):
Theme 1 Ads |
Ad Name |
Size (Pixels) |
Placement |
Leaderboard Ad |
728 x 90 |
Appears at the top of every page |
Footer Ad |
728 x 90 |
Appears at the bottom of every page |
Tile Ad 1 |
300 x 250 |
Appears on right-hand side of the homepage as well as at the top of every interior content page |
Tile Ad 2 |
300 x 250 |
Appears on the right-hand side of interior content pages |
Tile Ad 3 |
300 x 250 |
Appears on the right-hand side of interior content pages |
Skyscraper Ad 1 |
160 x 600 |
Appears on right-hand side of the homepage and every interior content page |
Skyscraper Ad 2 |
160 x 600 |
Appears on the right-hand side of every interior content page |
Skyscraper Ad 3 |
160 x 600 |
Appears on the right-hand side of every interior content page |
Guide to Meridian Ad Specifications ©Allen Press, Inc. 2019