Table 1

Emergency Stabilization (PC1)a

Emergency Stabilization (PC1)a
Emergency Stabilization (PC1)a
Table 2

Performance of Focused History and Physical Exam (PC2)a

Performance of Focused History and Physical Exam (PC2)a
Performance of Focused History and Physical Exam (PC2)a
Table 3

Diagnostic Studies (PC3)a

Diagnostic Studies (PC3)a
Diagnostic Studies (PC3)a
Table 4

Diagnosis (PC4)a

Diagnosis (PC4)a
Diagnosis (PC4)a
Table 5

Pharmacotherapy (PC5)a

Pharmacotherapy (PC5)a
Pharmacotherapy (PC5)a
Table 6

Observation and Reassessment (PC6)a

Observation and Reassessment (PC6)a
Observation and Reassessment (PC6)a
Table 7

Disposition (PC7)a

Disposition (PC7)a
Disposition (PC7)a
Table 8

Multitasking (Task Switching) (PC8)a

Multitasking (Task Switching) (PC8)a
Multitasking (Task Switching) (PC8)a
Table 9

General Approach to Procedures (PC9)a

General Approach to Procedures (PC9)a
General Approach to Procedures (PC9)a
Table 10

Airway Management (PC10)a

Airway Management (PC10)a
Airway Management (PC10)a
Table 11

Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management (PC11)a

Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management (PC11)a
Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management (PC11)a
Table 12

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Goal-Directed Focused Ultrasound (Diagnostic/Procedural) (PC12)a

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Goal-Directed Focused Ultrasound (Diagnostic/Procedural) (PC12)a
Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Goal-Directed Focused Ultrasound (Diagnostic/Procedural) (PC12)a
Table 13

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Wound Management (PC13)a

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Wound Management (PC13)a
Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Wound Management (PC13)a
Table 14

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Vascular Access (PC14)a

Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Vascular Access (PC14)a
Other Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Vascular Access (PC14)a
Table 15

Medical Knowledge (MK)a

Medical Knowledge (MK)a
Medical Knowledge (MK)a
Table 16

Professional Values (PROF1)a

Professional Values (PROF1)a
Professional Values (PROF1)a
Table 17

Accountability (PROF2)a

Accountability (PROF2)a
Accountability (PROF2)a
Table 18

Patient-Centered Communication (ICS1)a

Patient-Centered Communication (ICS1)a
Patient-Centered Communication (ICS1)a
Table 19

Team Management (ICS2)a

Team Management (ICS2)a
Team Management (ICS2)a
Table 20

Practice-Based Performance Improvement (PBLI)a

Practice-Based Performance Improvement (PBLI)a
Practice-Based Performance Improvement (PBLI)a
Table 21

Patient Safety (SBP1)a

Patient Safety (SBP1)a
Patient Safety (SBP1)a
Table 22

Systems-Based Management (SBP2)a

Systems-Based Management (SBP2)a
Systems-Based Management (SBP2)a
Table 23

Technology (SBP3)a

 Technology (SBP3)a
 Technology (SBP3)a

Author notes

Michael S. Beeson, MD, MBA, is Residency Program Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Akron General Medical Center; Wallace A. Carter, MD, is Residency Program Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine, New York Presbyterian Hospital; Theodore A. Christopher, MD, is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University and Hospitals; Jonathan W. Heidt, MD, is Clinical Instructor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis; James H. Jones, MD, is Professor of Clinical Emergency Medicine in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine; Lynne E. Meyer, PhD, MPH, is Executive Director of the Review Committee for Emergency Medicine, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education; Susan B. Promes, MD, is Professor and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; Kevin G. Rodgers, MD, is Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine; Philip H. Shayne, MD, is Professor and is Program Director and Vice Chair for Education in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine; Mary Jo Wagner, MD, is Residency Program Director and Chief in the Department of Emergency Medicine, Central Michigan University College of Medicine; and Susan R. Swing, PhD, is Vice President of Outcome Assessment at the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

All authors, with the exception of Dr Carter, participated in Milestone development as members of the Emergency Medicine Milestone Working Group. The authors wish to thank the members of the Emergency Medicine Milestone Advisory Group for their contributions to this work: Timothy Brigham, MDiv, PhD; Wallace A. Carter, MD; and Earl Reisdorff, MD.

The Milestones are designed only for use in evaluation of resident physicians in the context of their participation in Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education–accredited residency or fellowship programs. The Milestones provide a framework for the assessment of the development of the resident physician in key dimensions of the elements of physician competency in a specialty or subspecialty. They neither represent the entirety of the dimensions of the 6 domains of physician competency, nor are they designed to be relevant in any other context.