Rip Outs
The aim of the Rip Out section of JGME is to provide resources to educators. Rip Outs are designed to provide readers with information to facilitate their ongoing development as educators in graduate medical education. They are arranged here by topic.
Each Rip Out is formatted to facilitate quick reading and intended to be ‘‘ripped out’’ (or downloaded) from the Journal. Each article begins with the specific problem or challenge and includes key evidence and best practices from the literature, immediate and long-term action steps, and references and resources for further reading.
The Rip Out section is a collaborative effort by members of the JGME Editorial Board and solicited authors.
If you would like to suggest topics for Rip Outs or have ideas regarding topics, or ideas to enhance use and dissemination of this resource, please contact us at [email protected].
Faculty- and Program-Level Adaptations to Competency-Based Assessment Demands
Jeanette Zhang, MD; S. Beth Bierer, PhD; Colleen Y. Colbert, PhD; Judith French, PhD
Building a Strong Clinician-Investigator Community of Practice
Audrea Burns, PhD; Christopher Williams, MD, PhD; Jordan Orange, MD, PhD; Satid Thammasitboon, MD, MHPE
The Business of Being a Clinician Educator Leader Series
Writing a Medical Education Grant Budget
Anthony R. Artino, Jr, PhD; Kathlyn E. Fletcher, MD, MA; Vineet M. Arora, MD, MAPP; Sondra Zabar, MD
Principle-Based Negotiating for Resources and Funds in Graduate Medical Education
Yolanda Wimberly, MD, MSc; Douglas McGee, DO; Christine Babcock, MD; Jessica L. Bienstock, MD, MPH
Navigating the Rapids: How Government Funds Flow to Graduate Medical Education
Mary Jo Wagner, MD, FACEP; Harold A. Frazier, MD, FACS; Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MBA
Making a Business Case for Investing in Graduate Medical Education
Shelly R. Monks, MBA, FACHE; Jacob L. Bidwell, MD; Mary Jo Wagner, MD
Clinician Educator Career Development Series
Shaping a Career as a Clinician Educator
Avraham Z. Cooper, MD; Matthew G. Tuck, MD, MEd, FACP; Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH; David M. Irby, MDiv, PhD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Reclaiming the Calendar: Time Management for the Clinician Educator
Cory J. Pitre, MD, FAAEM; Carla M. Pugh, MD, PhD, FACS
Coaching for Clinician Educators
Jeremy Branzetti, MD, MHPE; Linda M. Love, EdD; Elaine E. Schulte, MD, MPH, BCC
Demonstrating Clinician Educator Value
Karen Marcdante, MD; Soma Wali, MD; Luann Wilkerson, EdD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Mid to Senior Clinician Educator Career Transitions and Vitality
Vincent D. Pellegrini, Jr, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD; Robert Milner, PhD; Nancy D. Spector, MD
Strategies for Navigating Authorship
Mary R. C. Haas, MD, MHPE; Lauren A. Maggio, PhD; Bridget C. O’Brien, PhD; Anthony R. Artino, Jr, PhD
Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion Series
Addressing Patients as Sources of Microaggressions for Residents, Fellows, and Faculty
Danielle T. Miller, MD, MEd; Kirsten M. Wilkins, MD; Dotun Ogunyemi, MD
Building Inclusion and Belonging in Training Environments
Quentin R. Youmans, MD, MSc; Maria Maldonado, MD; Utibe R. Essien, MD, MPH; Katherine Lupton, MD
Implementing Systematic Culture Change to Improve Diversity in Graduate Medical Education
Herodotos Ellinas, MD, MHPE; Franklin Trimm, MD; David Kountz, MD; Jessica Bienstock, MD, MPH
Evidence-Based Inclusive Graduate Medical Education Recruitment Strategies
Alda Maria Gonzaga, MD, MS, FAAP, FACP; Jyothi Marbin, MD, FAAP; Kyla Terhune, MD, MBA, FACS
A Practical Approach to Implicit Bias Training
Dotun Ogunyemi, MD
Countering Bias in Assessment
Adelaide H. McClintock, MD; Tyra Fainstad, MD; Joshua Jauregui, M; Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR
Words as Windows: Using Language to Move Toward an Inclusive Environment
Patcho N. Santiago, MD, MPH; Abigail W. Konopasky, PhD; Kenyon M. Railey, MD
Visual Media in Medical Education Series
Capturing and Articulating Visual Media as Scholarship
Avital Y. O'Glasser, MD, FACP, SFHM; Vineet M. Arora, MD, MAPP; Teresa M. Chan, MD, MHPE
Graphic Medicine in Graduate Medical Education
Theresa Maatman, MD, FACP; Michael J. Green, MD, MS, FACP; Matthew N. Noe, MSLS
Visual Media in Medical Education
Avraham Z. Cooper, MD; Adam Rodman, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Infographics and Visual Abstracts
Shreya P. Trivedi, MD; Alvin Chin, MD; Andrew Ibrahim, MD, MS; Amy Ou, MD
Tweetorials for Medical Educators
Anthony C. Breu, MD; Hannah R. Abrams, MD; Kimberly D. Manning, MD; Avraham Z. Cooper, MD
Making Your Educational Data Visual
Tavinder K. Ark, PhD; Jorge A. Rodriguez, MD; Brent Thoma, MD, MA
Milestones 2.0 Supplement
Halah Ibrahim, MD, MEHP; M. Douglas Jones Jr, MD; Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH
Program Evaluation Series
A Standards-Based Checklist for Program Evaluation as Scholarly Activity
Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Jennifer A. Rama, MD, MEd; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Janet M. Riddle, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Getting the Evaluation Focus Clear: A Shared Understanding of What Is Being Evaluated
Janet M. Riddle, MD; Amy Halverson, MD, MHPE; Michelle Barnes, MD
Blueprinting Program Evaluation Evidence Through the Lens of Key Stakeholders
Deborah Simpson, PhD; Janet M. Riddle, MD; David L. Hamel Jr, MD; Dorene F. Balmer, PhD
Janet M. Riddle, MD; Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Jennifer A. Rama, MD, MEd; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Janet M. Riddle, MD; Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Career Transitions Rip Outs
How to Approach the First Physician Job Search
Avraham Z. Cooper, MD; Tricia La Fratta, MBA; Peter Clardy, MD; Kyla Terhune, MD, MBA, FACS
How to Write Your Curriculum Vitae
Barbara G. Jericho, MD, FASA; Jonathan S. Ilgen, MD, MCR; Rachel Gottlieb-Smith, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD; Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPH
Letters of Recommendation
Stephanie L. Bourque, MD, MSCS; Cheong Jun Lee, MD; M. Douglas Jones Jr, MD; Gail M. Sullivan, MD, MPH
Successfully Navigating the Physician Job Interview
Kendall E. Bradley, MD; Rance McClain, DO, FACOFP, FAOASM; Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MBA; Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Contract Negotiations for Senior Trainees
Jeffrey S. Berger, MD, MBA; Geoffrey Ho, MBBS; Marian Sherman, MD; Katherine L. Charlton, JD
Preparing for the Transition to Your Next Career Role
Karen Marcdante, MD; Kjersti Knox, MD; Matthew Amidon, DO
Assessment Rip Outs
Using Chart Review and Chart-Stimulated Recall for Resident Assessment
Ingrid Philibert, PhD, MBA
Three Lenses on Learning: Frames for Residency Education
Laura K. Byerly, MD; Patricia S. O'Sullivan, EdD; Bridget C. O'Brien, PhD
Direct Observation Reassessed
Kathryn M. Andolsek, MD, MPH, FAAFP; Deborah Simpson, PhD
The view from over here: a framework for multi-source feedback
Holly A. Caretta-Weyer, MD; Aaron S. Kraut, MD; Joshua G. Kornegay, MD; Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR
Mini-sessions on assessment for continuous faculty development
Susan S. Johnston, EdD; Isaac A. Bohannon, MD; Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Addendum: reducing diagnostic error by using educational milestones to organize curricula and assessment
William F. Iobst, MD; Robert Trowbridge, MD; Ingrid Philibert, PhD, MBA
Intraoperative assessment of residents
Paul Dougherty, MD; Steven J. Kasten, MD, MHPE, FACS; R. Kevin Reynolds, MD; Mark E. P. Prince, MD; Monica L. Lypson, MD
Assessing interpersonal communications skills: the use of standardized patients in graduate medical education
Sarah Middlemas, MPH; Hilary Haftel, MD, MHPE; Paula T. Ross, MA; Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE
Teaching and assessing critical reasoning through the use of entrustment
William F. Iobst, MD; Robert Trowbridge, MD; Ingrid Philibert, PhD, MBA
Communication Rip Outs
Improving written sign-outs through education and structured audit: the UPDATED approach
Allison S. DeKosky, MD; Ananya Gangopadhyaya, MD; Bobby Chan, MD; Vineet M. Arora, MD, MAPP
A practical approach to conflict management for program directors
Matthew Mossanen, MD; Susan S. Johnston, EdD; Jessica Green, BA; Byron D. Joyner, MD, MPA
Communicating your program's goals and objectives
Patricia B. Mullan, PhD; Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE
Leadership Rip Outs
Choosing When to Advise, Coach, or Mentor
Karen Marcdante, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
It all starts and ends with the program director
Monica Lypson, MD, MHPE; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Starting a clinical competency committee
Susan B. Promes, MD, MBA; Mary Jo Wagner, MD
Program and Resident Evaluation Rip Outs
Residents make their lists and program directors check them twice: reviewing case logs
Steven J. Kasten, MD, MHPE, FACS; Mark E. P. Prince, MD, FRCS(C); Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE, FACP
The year is over, now what? The annual program evaluation
Deborah Simpson, PhD; Monica Lypson, MD, MHPE
Using Hackathons to Transform Complex Educational Problems Into Innovative Prototypes
Alisha Brown, MD; Joshua Jauregui, MD; Anne K. Chipman, MD, MS; Jonathan S. Ilgen, MD, MCR
Qualitative Rip Out Series
Necessary groundwork: planning a strong grounded theory study
Christopher Watling, MD, MMEd, PhD, FRCP(C); Sayra Cristancho, PhD; Sarah Wright, PhD, MBA; Lara Varpio, PhD
Using data from program evaluations for qualitative research
Dorene F. Balmer, PhD; Jennifer A. Rama, MD, MEd; Maria Athina (Tina) Martimianakis, PhD; Terese Stenfors-Hayes, PhD
Recognizing and responding to ethically important moments in qualitative research
Lindsay Baker, MEd, BEd; Shanon Phelan, PhD, OT; Ryan Snelgrove, MD; Lara Varpio, PhD; Julie Maggi, MD, FRCPC; Stella Ng, PhD, FAAA
Integrating theory into qualitative medical education research
Laura Nimmon, PhD; Elise Paradis, PhD; Brett Schrewe, MDCM, MA; Maria Mylopoulos, PhD
Design: selection of data collection methods
Elise Paradis, PhD; Bridget O'Brien, PhD; Laura Nimmon, PhD; Glen Bandiera, MD; Maria Athina (Tina) Martimianakis, PhD
Research design considerations
Sarah Wright, PhD, MBA; Bridget C. O'Brien, PhD; Laura Nimmon, PhD; Marcus Law, MD, MBA, MEd; Maria Mylopoulos, PhD
Answering the mail: replying to common questions about qualitative inquiry
Lara Varpio, PhD; Anthony R. Artino, Jr, PhD; The Qualitative Collaborative
Choosing a qualitative research approach
Arianne Teherani, PhD; Tina Martimianakis, PhD; Terese Stenfors-Hayes, PhD; Anupma Wadhwa, MD; Lara Varpio, PhD
Quality Improvement Rip Outs
The SQUIRE guidelines: a scholarly approach to quality improvement
Rory F. McQuillan, MD, MRCPI; Brian M. Wong, MD FRCPC
Promoting resident involvement in quality improvement initiatives through faculty involvement and curriculum
Sean R. Smith, MD; Rishi Bakshi, DO
Scholarly Activity Rip Outs
Staying Up to Date and Managing Information Overload
Lauren A. Maggio, PhD; Anthony R. Artino Jr, PhD
Team-based coaching approach to peer review: sharing service and scholarship
Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR; Deborah Simpson, PhD; Jonathan S. Ilgen, MD, MCR; Teresa M. Chan, MD, FRCPC, MHPE
Workshop preparation and presentation: a valuable form of scholarship for the clinician-educator
Carla L. Spagnoletti, MD, MS; Abby L. Spencer, MD, MS; Rachel A. Bonnema, MD, MS; Megan C. McNamara, MD, MSc; Melissa A. McNeil, MD, MPH
A guide to writing peer-reviewed publications: a common program requirement and resume builder
Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ; Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE
Community-engaged scholarship: meeting scholarly project requirements while advancing community health
Linda N. Meurer, MD, MPH; Sabina Diehr, MD
Meeting the scholarly project requirement—application of scholarship criteria beyond research
Deborah Simpson, PhD; Linda Meurer, MD, MPH; Diane Braza, MD
Simulation Rip Outs
Low-cost simulation: how-to guide
Herodotos Ellinas, MD, FAAP/FACP; Kathryn Denson, MD; Deborah Simpson, PhD
Simulation in graduate medical education: understanding uses and maximizing benefits
Stan Hamstra, PHD; Ingrid Philibert, PHD, MBA
Social Media Rip Outs
How to utilize blogs for residency education
Jay Khadpe, MD, FAAEM, FACEP; Nikita Joshi, MD
Podcasts: accessing, choosing, creating, and disseminating content
James Ahn, MD, FACEP; P. Charles Inboriboon, MD, MPH, FACEP; Michael C. Bond, MD, FACEP
Wikis: using collaborative platforms in graduate medical education
Daniel Cabrera, MD; Robert Cooney, MD, MSMedEd, FAAEM, FACEP
Getting started with online faculty development
Larry C. Hurtubise, MA; Teri L. Turner, MD, MPH, MEd; Cynthia H. Ledford, MD; John D. Mahan, MD
Creating a virtual journal club: a community of practice using multiple social media strategies
Michelle Lin, MD; Jonathan Sherbino, MD, MEd
Using Twitter in clinical education and practice
Lindsay Melvin, MD; Teresa Chan, HBSc, BEd, MD, FRCPC
Supervision Rip Outs
The View From Over Here: A Framework for Multi-Source Feedback
Holly A. Caretta-Weyer, MD; Aaron S. Kraut, MD; Joshua G. Kornegay, MD; Lalena M. Yarris, MD, MCR
Entrustment as assessment: recognizing the ability, the right, and the duty to act
Olle ten Cate, PhD
Nuts and bolts of entrustable professional activities
Olle ten Cate, PhD
Monitoring resident progress through mentored portfolios
Paul Dougherty, MD; Paula T. Ross, MA; Monica L. Lypson, MD, MHPE, FACP
SUPERB safety: improving supervision for medical specialty residents
Shannon K. Martin, MD; Jeanne M. Farnan, MD, MHPE