A nine-old year male, 6.5 kg green iguana (Iguana iguana) presented due to immobility and inflammation of the left pelvic limb with progression over one week. Dorsoventral radiograph of the hip showed a left coxofemoral joint luxation in craniodorsal direction. Nonsurgical reduction maneuvers for a closed reduction of the coxofemoral joint luxation were performed under moderate sedation, using delicate movements of dorsal limb retraction at 20-30° to the body. The left thumb of the left-handed handler was placed on the femoral head applying gentle pressure caudally. The leg was flexed so that the femur and the tibia formed a 90 degree angle with respect to the lateral aspect of the body, and the plantar surface of the foot was attached to the lateral aspect of the tail using a figure of eight modified bandage. The patient left the bandage intact for 21 days without any adverse effects. Two months after the bandage was removed normal movement was regained.