The development of cleanroom standards began in the United States Air Force and has grown into a global industry with the founding of ISO Technical Committee 209, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. The Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology has played a vital role from the beginning.

About the Authors

Richard A. Matthews is the founder and chairman of Filtration Technology, Inc. located in Greensboro, North Carolina. Since 1971, Filtration Technology, Inc. has been meeting the specific and high demands of air filtration and contamination control requirements for critical environments and is committed to creating clear answers for industrial filtration and contamination control needs. Mr. Matthews began selling clean-air products in 1957 and worked with manufacturers of filtration products used in hospitals and other sterile environments. He is a former IEST president and the first chairman of ISO/TC 209.

Anne Marie Dixon-Heathman is the owner and president of Cleanroom Management Associates, Inc., a consulting firm based in The Villages, Florida, specializing in competitive benchmarking, training, and auditing of clean and aseptic operations and management. She has been actively engaged in the field of contamination control for more than 40 years with extensive experience in the areas of cleanroom operations, training, technical writing, strategic consulting, facility startup, construction protocols, and process optimization. Ms. Dixon-Heathman has trained more than one million cleanroom technicians and managers and has authored numerous books and publications on all aspects of cleanrooms throughout her career. She is a past president of IEST and serves as the Head of Delegation for the US to ISO/TC 209, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.