Maintaining and improving cleanroom manufacturing operations are required to ensure quality products. In today's world, there are many challenges facing cleanrooms and controlled environments and their support areas. Proper cleaning and sanitization of all cleanrooms and controlled environments are key to maintaining these facilities at the level for which they were designed.
About the Authors
James N. Polarine Jr., MA, is a Principal Consultant, Technical Services at STERIS Corporation. He has been with STERIS Corporation for 25 years. His current technical focus is microbial control in cleanrooms and other critical environments. Mr. Polarine is a 2019 PDA Michael S. Korczynski Award recipient and the 2024 PDA Service Appreciation Award recipient. He has lectured in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America on issues related to cleaning and disinfection, microbial control in cleanrooms, and validation of disinfectants.
Anne Marie Dixon-Heathman is the owner and President of Cleanroom Management Associates, Inc., a consulting firm based in The Villages, FL, that specializes in competitive benchmarking, training, and auditing of clean and aseptic operations and management. She has been actively engaged in the field of contamination control for more than 40 years and has extensive experience in the areas of cleanroom operations, training, technical writing, strategic consulting, facility startup, construction protocols, and process optimization. Ms. Dixon-Heathman has trained more than one million cleanroom technicians and managers and has authored numerous books and publications on all aspects of cleanrooms throughout her career. She is a past president of IEST and serves as the Head of Delegation for the United States to ISO/TC 209, Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.