We are pleased to present to our readers our first issue as the editors of Journal of International Special Needs Education (JISNE) as the journal begins its seventeenth year. We hope to continue the great tradition of high quality that was maintained under the scholarly and wise editorship of Dr. Thomas P. Gumpel for the past seven years. Under Tom's leadership, JISNE has grown significantly. The quantity and quality of submissions to the journal have greatly increased from within and outside of the U.S.A., underlining the international nature of the journal. Additionally, the journal moved to become an e-journal since Fall 2013. It has been a great pleasure and a learning experience for both of us to work with Tom as Associate Editors during the past year. We thank Tom for his enthusiastic stewardship of the Council for Exceptional Children-Division of International Special Education and Services' flagship journal, and...
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1 May 2014
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May 01 2014
Note from the Editors
Dimitris Anastasiou
Dimitris Anastasiou
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Journal of International Special Needs Education (2014) 17 (1): 2.
Rashida Banerjee, Dimitris Anastasiou; Note from the Editors. Journal of International Special Needs Education 1 May 2014; 17 (1): 2. doi: https://doi.org/10.9782/2159-4341-17.1.2
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