In today’s society, the need for functional communication is essential from an early age. However, many children struggle with speech, language, and communication during their time in early childhood education and care (ECEC). This paper examines early childhood special education teachers’ (ECSETs) views on how children with speech, language and communication needs are supported in regular ECEC. The empirical data comprised four focus group interviews with 14 itinerant ECSETs. A thematic analysis was used to examine the teachers’ support strategies. The following four themes related to the research question were identified after an iterative process of coding and close reading of data: (a) cooperation and professionalism as prerequisites for providing support; (b) processes and procedures for providing support; (c) consultation for personnel enabling support for children in a group; and (d) adjusting support based on each child’s individual needs. The study provides insight into providing support for children with speech, language and communication needs and related challenges. The results indicate several areas that work well in providing support during specific activities and for certain group compositions. However, potential pitfalls include ECSETs’ workload and lack of knowledge and motivation among personnel to support children in need of support.