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Author Guidelines

The Journal of International Special Needs Education (JISNE) is a multi-disciplinary journal of Division of International Special Education and Services (DISES), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). JISNE publishes original research and theoretical contributions concerning disability and the delivery of special education programs and services to individuals with disabilities throughout the world. JISNE readers are typically DISES members and members of the international scientific community who are interested in information related to the field of special education around the world. Readers represent a broad range of geographic, ethnic, cultural, and language backgrounds, who are interested in diverse research perspectives.

Aims and Scope

JISNE considers a variety of manuscripts for publication. All manuscripts should present an international perspective and include implications for research, policy, or practice for global readers. Submissions must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Research articles: Original research articles report on data collected through established research methods. Manuscripts reporting on original research should focus on individuals with disabilities. Examples of acceptable research methods include group, single subject design, quantitative studies, qualitative studies, and mixed methods designs. Research manuscripts must include a fully developed methods section and clear implications for practice.
  • Literature reviews: Reviews of the literature, meta-analyses, and syntheses of the literature that expand the understanding of exceptionality and special education practices on a global level. Literature reviews must include clear implications for practice.
  • Position and policy papers: Manuscripts that address international disability policy and/or inform the theoretical discussion of special education and the understanding of exceptionality on a global level.
  • Case studies: Case studies outlining interesting local initiatives or comparative studies that readers can generalize to historical, social and global trends. These papers should include information regarding generalization and implications related to other settings.

How to Submit

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read and adhere to our Author Guidelines. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines or not aligning with the aims and scope of JISNE will be rejected.

Please submit articles via email to [email protected] for pre-screening. Authors with manuscripts that meet the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines will then be sent a link to our submission portal.

JISNE does not charge authors a publication fee.

Manuscript Requirements

Manuscripts submitted to JISNE should conform to APA format (see Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition, 2010). JISNE only considers manuscripts written in English that have not been published or are being considered for publication by another journal. Your manuscript narrative should ideally be between 15 and 20 double spaced pages, with the entire manuscript no more than 30 pages including abstract, references, figures, and tables. Rationale for a longer manuscript may be considered. An abstract must be included, and should be between 150 and 250 words in length.

Authors should include a brief description of disability definition, political and civic systems, and any other relevant issues in the country of origin, and not assume all readers have the contextual understanding or knowledge. Manuscripts should also avoid bias in language. When referring to individuals with exceptionalities, use people first language. People first language places the person before the disability (e.g. “child with a learning disability” rather than “learning disabled”) and avoids language that victimizes or sensationalizes disability (e.g., “suffers from autism,” or “is wheelchair-bound”).

JISNE recognizes that in seeking submissions from the international community, submissions will come from authors for whom English is a second language and who may not be familiar with APA 7th edition formatting. Authors for whom English is a Second Language, it is highly recommended that a colleague or copy editor, who is fluent in English, review the manuscript before submission. If a manuscript’s content is strong, JISNE editors may work with the authors to prepare it for publication.

Submitted manuscripts should adhere to the following guidelines for APA 7th edition formatting. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Manuscript is double spaced with 1-inch margins (Times Roman size 12 font type preferred).
  • All pages are numbered in sequence, starting with the title page. Note: The uploaded manuscript should include a title page and abstract but you must remove the author(s) name and other identifying information from the manuscript due to the blind review process.
  • Key words and a running head are included in the appropriate places
  • Titles and headings are bold and in the appropriate location within the manuscript.
  • Tables are double-spaced and formatted using Word functions.
  • Digital object identifiers (dois) are included in the reference list.
  • Use tab for indent (not spaces)
  • Text are left justified
  • The use of visual representations (tables and figures) should be used when necessary to assist communication. For guidance, see:
  • All tables and figures are presented at the end of the manuscript, after the list of references.

There are many resources available online to those needing support with APA guidelines. These resources can help answer questions about APA formatting and style.

APA Style FAQ:

APA Sample Paper:


In their cover letter, authors must include an explanation of any conflict of interest that may exist, and if any work contained in the manuscript has been submitted or published elsewhere and how this does or does not constitute dual publication. When using human subjects, authors must describe how the study design protects the participants (e.g., institutional ethics review board).

JISNE’s Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement can be found here. This statement includes additional information related to the following topics: Authorship and Author Responsibilities, Peer Review Process, Publication Ethics, Copyright and Access, Archiving, Ownership and Management, and Publication Schedule.

Peer Review Policy

JISNE manuscript reviews are double-blind; authors and reviewers are anonymous. Once submitted, a manuscript is screened by the Editor to determine if it meets the manuscript requirements of JISNE. Authors may request or object to specific reviewers they feel may be biased. The editorial board will attempt to accommodate these requests, but does not guarantee such honor.


Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with intellectual property laws. Permission for publication must be obtained for any copyrighted material used in a manuscript.

File Types

JISNE only accepts manuscripts in Word DOC or RTF formats.

Corresponding Author Contact Details

Email, mailing address, telephone number, and academic affiliations for all authors must be provided, separately from the main text of the manuscript.

Further Information

Any correspondence, queries, or additional requests should be sent to [email protected]

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