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December 2006
ISSN 2572-1801
eISSN 2572-1852
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Do Canadian Medical Licensing Exam Scores Correlate with Physicians’ Future Performance in Practice? A Cohort Study of Alberta Family Physicians
Ilona Bartman, MA, Nicole Kain, MPA, PhD, Nigel Ashworth, MBChB, MSc, Nancy Hernandez-Ceron, PhD, Iryna Hurava, MSc, Homeira Hamayeli-Mehrabani, PhD, Kushagr Kumar, MPH, Rui Nie, MSc, Maxim Morin, PhD
FSMB Census of Licensed Physicians in the United States, 2022
Aaron Young, PhD, Xiaomei Pei, PhD, Katie Arnhart, PhD, Jeffrey D. Carter, MD, Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS
What Exactly Is Patient Safety?
Linda Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., Don Berwick, M.D., M.P.P., James Conway, M.S., John Combes, M.D., Martin Hatlie, J.D., Lucian Leape, M.D., James Reason, Ph.D., Paul Schyve, M.D., Charles Vincent, M.Phil., Ph.D., Merrilyn Walton, Ph.D.
The Growing Regulation of Conversion Therapy
Jack Drescher, MD, Alan Schwartz, MD, Flávio Casoy, MD, Christopher A. McIntosh, MSc, MD, Brian Hurley, MD, MBA, Kenneth Ashley, MD, Mary Barber, MD, David Goldenberg, MD, Sarah E. Herbert, MD, MSW, Lorraine E. Lothwell, MD, Marlin R. Mattson, MD, Scot G. McAfee, MD, Jack Pula, MD, Vernon Rosario, MD, D. Andrew Tompkins, MD, MHS
The Love Surgeon: A Story of Trust, Harm and the Limits of Medical Regulation
David A. Johnson, MA
Physicians and Cognitive Decline: A Challenge for State Medical Boards
Sharona Hoffman, JD, LLM, SJD
The Importance of Diversity in the Physician Assistant/Associate Workforce: Examining the Profession's Growth and Trends in Demographic Composition
Andrzej Kozikowski, PhD, Mirela Bruza-Augatis, PhD, PA-C, Dawn Morton-Rias, EdD, PA-C, ICE-CCP, FACHE, Alicia Quella, PhD, PA-C, Shani Fleming, MSHS, MPH, PA-C, Carolyn Bradley-Guidry, DrPH, MPAS, PA-C, CPH, Sheila Mauldin, MNM, ICE-CCP, Colette Jeffery, MA, Kasey Puckett, MPH, Joshua Goodman, PhD
World Health Organization Guidance on Health Practitioner Regulation: An Overview
Elsheikh Badr, FFPH, Ruth Nigatu Bealchew, MD, David Benton, PhD, Antonia Carzaniga, MS, Jishnu Das, PhD, Mark Dexter, Martin Fletcher, MM, André Gariépy, LLB, Morris Kleiner, PhD, Elizabeth Oywer, MA, Michele Rumsey, RN, Mike Saks, PhD, Natéwindé Sawadogo, PhD, Joan Simeon, MPM, Francis Wafula, PhD
Characteristics, Predictors and Reasons for Regulatory Body Disciplinary Action in Health Care: A Scoping Review
Ai-Leng Foong-Reichert, BSc, PharmD, Ariane Fung, BSc, PharmD, Caitlin A. Carter, BA, MLIS, Kelly A. Grindrod, BScPharm, PharmD, MSc, Sherilyn K.D. Houle, BSP, PhD