Implant dentistry has progressed rapidly due to improved digital diagnostic imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These two technologies have assisted in accurate treatment planning and implementation of surgical and prosthetic successes. Digital diagnostic imaging and AI are the sine qua non in implant dentistry.

The concept of AI was created in the 1950s and refers to artificial machines that can perform tasks typically performed by humans. This was a wild, futuristic concept bordering on science fiction! AI has a subset referred to as Machine learning (ML). ML algorithms are applied to understand the core statistical patterns and structures in collected data, which can be used to predict unobserved data. A further subset of ML is the neural network (NN), which outperforms traditional ML algorithms, particularly on complex data structures such as imagery (i.e., radiographic images). NN is a mathematical non-linear model. Understanding of the human neuron guided the...

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