This study aimed to compare the angular, platform, and apical deviation of zygoma implants placed with the aid of a dynamic navigation (DN) device compared with the implants placed freehand. Eight cadaver heads were used for the study. Preoperative cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) scans were made for the heads, and an implant-planning software was used to plan zygoma implants bilaterally in each scanned head. A total of 16 zygoma implants were placed using each surgical technique. Postimplant CBCT scans were merged with the preoperative plan to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the implants using each technique. Angular and linear deviations of the implants were measured and compared. The effect of implant length and position on the deviation was also investigated. The results showed a mean angular deviation of 2.44° ± 1.10° for implants placed using DN compared with 6.63° ± 4.81° for implants placed freehand. The mean apical deviation for implants placed using DN and for implants placed freehand was 2.14 ± 1.02 mm and 3.80 ± 2.49 mm, respectively. Finally, the mean platform deviation for implants placed using DN and for implants placed freehand was 1.66 ± 0.9 mm and 2.81 ± 2.1 mm, respectively. The analysis showed a significant difference between the two techniques in angular and apical deviation (p = .001 and .029, respectively). Zygoma implants placed with a DN device resulted in less apical and angular deviation than implants placed freehand.
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December 2024
December 10 2024
The Use of Dynamic Navigation for the Placement of Zygoma Implants: A Cadaver Study to Compare Accuracy
Omran Bishbish Zeino, DDS, MS;
Omran Bishbish Zeino, DDS, MS
1Advance Education in Periodontics, Loma Linda University, Redlands, California
*Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]
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Yoon Jeong Kim, DDS, MS;
Yoon Jeong Kim, DDS, MS
2Periodontics department, Loma Linda University, Redlands, California
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Joseph Kan, DDS, MS;
Joseph Kan, DDS, MS
3Advance Education in Implant Dentistry Department, Loma Linda University, Redlands, California
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Jaime Lozada, DDS, DABOI
Jaime Lozada, DDS, DABOI
3Advance Education in Implant Dentistry Department, Loma Linda University, Redlands, California
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J Oral Implantol (2024) 50 (6): 644–652.
Omran Bishbish Zeino, Yoon Jeong Kim, Joseph Kan, Jaime Lozada; The Use of Dynamic Navigation for the Placement of Zygoma Implants: A Cadaver Study to Compare Accuracy. J Oral Implantol 1 December 2024; 50 (6): 644–652. doi:
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