The purpose of this study was to determine whether varying the preload on the implant-abutment complex would affect screw loosening under simulated loading conditions. Abutment screws in sample models were tightened to 25, 30, 35, and 40 N-cm. One group of samples was allowed to stand for 3 hours after being torqued and then loosened. Another group of samples was retorqued after 10 minutes with the same initial torque value and then allowed to stand for 3 hours before loosening. For the load group of samples, the abutments were torqued into place, retorqued after 10 minutes, and a load applied for 3 hours before loosening. Cyclic loading was carried out using a servo-hydraulic testing machine with the values cycled between 1 and 26 pounds and the load applied directly to the abutments. Analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and linear regression analysis was performed. Within the parameters of this in vitro investigation, the following recommendations can be made: (1) retightening abutment screws 10 minutes after the initial torque applications should be routinely performed and (2) increasing the torque value for abutment screws above 30 N-cm can be beneficial for abutment-implant stability and to decrease screw loosening.

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