Crowns on countless dental implant abutments have been successfully ridge lapped for over 25 years. When properly fabricated, ease of cleansing and maintenance of health at the pergingival site is routine. The advantages of this technique are significant. It promotes pleasing aesthetic results almost regardless of the vestibulo-lingual and mesio-distal location of the abutment relative to the required position of the crown. The technique-sensitive procedures associated with the creation and maintenance of acceptable emergent profiles are rendered unnecessary. Ridge lapping is compatible with abutment heads of any diameter and configuration and with cementable or screw-retained fixed prostheses. This article discusses current opinion and controversy regarding ridge lapping of crowns over implant abutments and offers step-by-step procedures in the diagnosis, design, fabrication, and professional and home care maintenance of highly aesthetic ridge-lapped crowns over abutments of the common dental implant modalities.

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