I would like to thank the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) Board of Trustees for awarding me the honor of being Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI). A special thank you is in order for the JOI Editor search committee; Beverly Lindeen, Valerie Pierce, and Angie Fine of Allen Press; the American Academy of Implant Prosthetics; Sharon Bennett (Executive Director of AAID); Dr. Sheldon Winkler (Senior Editor of JOI); Ethel Bruck (former Administrative Assistant for JOI); and Dr. Norman Cranin; for their assistance in making the transition from Dr. Cranin's Editor-in-Chief leadership to this new era for JOI. I want to also thank those individuals who have graciously reviewed one or multiple manuscripts for JOI in the last 6 months. Our advertisers must be thanked also because without their tremendous unencumbered financial support, publication of the JOI would not be possible.
The opportunities for the growth of JOI have never been greater due to the technological advancements the publishing industry has experienced. JOI is now able to review and accept manuscripts for publication in a timely manner, which is beneficial to authors and the profession. These innovations will allow additional changes to be made that were unavailable 5 years ago. This unlimited potential for advancement comes with the responsibility to measure each potential change very carefully. The staff of JOI has formed a JOI transition Advisory Panel that will help provide guidance as these decisions are made. This JOI Advisory Panel considers comments from our readers on changes that would be welcomed. Suggestions and comments should be addressed to the Editor-In-Chief at [email protected].
My vision for JOI is to provide a journal that is valuable to the clinician and incorporates subject matter that is relevant to daily practice for surgical and prosthetic phases of Implant Dentistry with research manuscripts that are apropos to these disciplines. I envision that each issue will be of interest to the entire range of practitioners, from general practitioners to all specialties and from novice to expert in this discipline.
I encourage all of our members who are interested in being reviewers for JOI and have not logged onto PeerTrack (http://www.editorialmanager.com/aaid-joi) to complete their personal interest profile to take the time to do so. This will allow JOI to call upon a greater number of reviewers and allow you to be a part of the future of the Journal.