Previous Editorials have focused on the importance of quality reviewers for JOI submitted manuscripts. Since April of this year 76 individuals have participated in the review process for JOI. As Editor-in-Chief, I want to express appreciation for the dedication these individuals have shown to the Journal and profession.

This issue of JOI contains an article regarding how to write a good review of a submitted manuscript that is beneficial and informative to the author(s), editor(s) and the profession. The authors spend a vast amount of time gathering information and references, and structuring their thoughts for their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is eventually accepted for publication by a journal the author(s) has successfully passed on an original idea to the profession and with that comes a degree of satisfaction. The published article is not about the author(s), but about the case report or in vitro/vivo science; it is for the readers. This is where the reviewer contributes significantly to each manuscript. The review process assures that the information presented is valid and in a reader-friendly format. To create a quality review requires considerable effort and time. It is a skill that becomes sharpened with practice and dedication. Fortunately, all reviews are double blinded so they are not personal in nature. Unfortunately, reviewers never get the satisfaction of seeing their names listed with an article in spite of having expended time and effort in helping the manuscript evolve through constructive criticisms.

JOI is now offering a reward to those individuals who provide “quality constructive reviews” for manuscripts submitted to this Journal. The AAID's Education Committee on September 26, 2009, adopted the following policy, effective December 1, 2009: “An AAID member who reviews manuscripts for the Journal of Oral Implantology may earn three continuing education credit hours for each quality constructive review.” The Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors will be responsible for determining which reviews will qualify for credit. The Editor-in-Chief will send a letter to the reviewer upon completion of the review. Additionally, the Editor will submit a letter to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) for each reviewer who is an AGD member. This will be one additional avenue of expressing appreciation to JOI reviewers beyond the personal satisfaction they feel for giving back to the profession.