Welcome to the new Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI). This “new look” is designed to make JOI reading easier. The redesigned cover will bring the table of contents to the reader's attention. Paper stock is improved and will make not only reading JOI easier but also decrease the decay rate of your archived JOI issues. Additionally, the new article layout is two columns with a large outer margin for note taking as you read the article. Our font size and type has been upgraded to the industry premium standard. Each of these changes was made in an effort to improve the “significance” of JOI to our subscribers.
These visible changes are not the only changes you will notice. We have created actively involved Associate Editor (AE) positions that will assist me, as Editor-in-Chief, in assuring that the finest quality manuscripts appear in JOI. We have taken great efforts to assure that all disciplines involved in Implant Dentistry are represented in our list of AEs: Sebastiano Andreana, DDS, MS (Periodontics/General Practice); Dexter Barber, DDS (Maxillofacial Surgery); Nicholas Caplanis, DMD, MS (Peridodontics); Jaime Lozada, DDS (Prosthodontics); and Craig Misch, DDS, MDS (Prosthodontics/Maxillofacial Surgery). Each of these individuals has extensive Implant Dentistry experience from both academia and private practice. They bring an understanding of the importance of research and how it can be applied to clinical practice. JOI AEs also include two individuals outside the immediate dental implant community: Nicholas Radio, PhD (Molecular Pharmacology), will be of great assistance in reviewing the validity of cellular in vitro experiments and John C. Kern II, PhD (Biostatistics), will be reviewing manuscripts to assure that proper statistical analyses were performed by the author(s).
JOI has also established Literature Associate Editors (LAEs) that will be responsible for reviewing publications from journals that may not be mainstream Implant Dentistry but their content is relevant to our discipline. Four individuals have been to the position of LAE: Omar Bayyati, BDS, MDS; Brien V. Harvey, DDS, MS; Michael Katzap, DDS; and Pankaj Singh, DDS. These individuals will be filling a vital role in providing up to date information on what is occurring in science and other medical fields.
I would also like to encourage our readers to write “Letters to the Editor” to comment on manuscripts that have been published in JOI. These letters can offer support or provide alternative ideas to what has been published. This avenue for dialogue will allow for continued interest in a published topic and provide further education beyond the articles' exposure in a single issue. Naturally, JOI reserves the right to only publish letters that have been submitted in the spirit of constructive and professional comments.
I want to personally welcome and thank each of these individuals for accepting AE and LAE positions with JOI. Their expertise and effort will facilitate JOI in acquiring quality manuscripts and guide the Journal in the coming years.
I would also like to extend to all the opportunity to submit manuscripts to JOI for consideration. Manuscripts can be submitted to the JOI Editorial Manager PeerTrack website: http://www.editorialmanager.com/aaid-joi/default.asp.
I hope each of our readers enjoys the “New JOI” and I welcome your comments.
James L. Rutkowski, DMD, PhD
Journal of Oral Implantology