Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI) is a clinician's journal that is supported by in vitro and in vivo research. One of the goals of the JOI staff is for this journal to be a continuing educational forum for all implant dentists. Implant dentistry is a complex and evolving discipline and, therefore, the clinician's knowledge base and skills must be continually updated. Review articles inform the implant novice of the existing knowledge base and offers timely updates to practitioners who are accomplished in the field. Therefore, please consider this as a call to General Dentists, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Periodontists, and Prosthodontists to submit review oriented manuscripts for publication consideration to JOI.

Topics that JOI would find of relevance are those that the implant dentist uses on a daily basis for the practice of implant dentistry. These review papers will not only be of clinical value but also excellent study guides for candidates who are preparing for Associate Fellow or Fellow examinations put forth by the Accreditation and Certification Board of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) and candidates who are preparing for the American Board of Oral Implantology/Implant Dentistry (ABOI/ID) board examination. Writers of other manuscripts would find these review papers of value when performing literature searches.

When examining the decision-making process that implant dentists undertake daily for diagnosis, case presentation, surgical treatment, postoperative management, prosthetic management, and recall with revision treatments as needed, there are many topics that are deserving of review articles. Topics of interest include the following: three-dimensional radiographic technology and interpretation; patient clinical evaluation prior to implant treatment; technology that can be used in treatment planning; considerations for comprehensive and alternative treatment plans; bone manipulation techniques; management of osseous defects; update for graft materials and guided bone regeneration barriers; perioperative medical and pharmacologic patient management; postoperative management protocols; implant prosthetic principles; when to splint multiple implants to natural teeth and if so, what type of attachment should be used; management of soft tissue concerns; aesthetic issues; treatment of ailing/failing implants; recall management; and routine preventive care issues.

Quality review papers for each of these topics would be of great value to the profession. I encourage those who are interested to prepare and submit manuscripts for these and other relevant implant topics to JOI for peer-review and possible future publication.

James L. Rutkowski, DMD, PhD


Journal of Oral Implantology