This has been a wonderful year for the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) and a terrific transition of our Journal of Oral Implantology (JOI) to be now rated among the best implant dentistry has to offer. The quality of the content, the new cover, and the store of excellent technical and research articles waiting to go to print is exactly what was needed to move the JOI ahead in this very dynamic and expansive discipline.

As the 59th President of the AAID I am honored to be able to work with some of the finest implant dentists and dedicated professionals. What impresses me most is how we never finish learning or perfecting our profession; as there always seems to be someone out there who does it better, or differently, or can lead us to think differently about how we may treat our next patient.

However, it is a serious responsibility to realize our limits when we endeavor to treat our patients using new techniques or materials that go beyond our education and comfort zone. Our patients expect that what we do for them is done to a predictable level of care and is appropriate for their needs. Regardless of how highly skilled a practitioner may be, there are those procedures that are inappropriate. This may be from a technical point of view or, many times, dictated by the patient's health and ability to undergo treatment.

It is with this in mind that I have asked our Editor-in-Chief, Dr James Rutkowski, to act as our general chairman for this year's annual meeting in Boston. The theme of the meeting is “Navigating your Comfort Zone” in Implant Dentistry. With all that we have to learn in Implant Dentistry it is easy to fall prey to doing more than we should or are capable of doing, at least within our comfort zone and confidence. Sometimes we are unaware of what success should look like, or what failures and complications can loom out there.

As you read though this wonderful Journal, I recommend that this be the start of moving forward to get all of the proper education and experience in order to deliver high quality, comprehensive treatment in a successful, comfortable way for both you and your patients. We look forward to seeing you in Boston, October 20th, learning more about confidence, comfort, and complications as we navigate through Implant Dentistry.

Joel L. Rosenlicht, DMD

President, American Academy of Implant Dentistry