In this new edition of The Atlas of Oral Implantology, Dr Singh has skillfully updated and taken this Atlas into today's ever-evolving modern implantology practice. Detailed and comprehensive, this updated text uses a step-by-step approach to the latest advanced surgical techniques, implant prosthodontics, implant management, imaging modalities, patient selection, and even medical evaluation and management without losing sight of implant surgery fundamentals.

This expert guide explains techniques with easy-to-follow instructions, and more than 1500 color illustrations. It emphasizes current topics such as implant esthetics, immediate loading implants, and site development of both hard and soft tissue augmentation. It covers key topics including diagnosis and treatment planning. The reader will learn how to select patients who are best suited for dental implants, evaluate host sites, select the proper type of implant for each patient, and place dental implants step-by-step. One will also learn to observe patients, diagnose incipient problems, institute remedial techniques for problems, and perform a wide variety of restorative modalities. Additionally, it demonstrates how to manage and maintain patients during the postoperative period and includes long-term follow-up cases accurately showing “real life” examples.

Included are extensive appendices with information ranging from antibiotic prophylactic regimens to CAD-CAM computed tomography, from medical and dental history forms to surgical consent forms, and a complete list of manufacturers and suppliers of everything implants.

Any atlas of implantology is an ambitious project owing to the huge variations in implant techniques and fluidity of trends. Much has changed in the world of dental implantology since the first edition, from advancements in prosthetics to the ways in which specific diagnostic imaging techniques improve outcomes, and even advancements in modern antibiotic therapy. All these changes are discussed in exquisite detail to bring this version to the current standard of practice. In this third edition of the Atlas of Oral Implantology, Dr Singh has produced a thoroughly unabridged guide to today's prosthodontics; it is an essential reference for all who practice in the field. This is a comprehensive textbook by a skilled surgeon, coauthored with his mentor, Dr A. Norman Cranin. The authors have indeed covered a huge amount of information looking in great detail at the background of implant development through case planning and prosthetic techniques.

James L. Rutkowski, DMD, PhD

Fellow AAID, MII

Diplomate ABOI/ID

Asbjorn Jokstad, DDS, PhD, has edited the text Osseointegration and Dental Implants, which compiles the achievements and accomplishments based upon the proceedings of the 2008 Toronto Osseointegration Conference – Revisited. The 2008 conference occurred after 25 years of large efforts in the field of oral implantology in all its practical, research, and marketing aspects since the first Toronto Osseointegration Conference organized by Professor Emeritus George A. Zarb in 1982. The market today is saturated with new implant manufacturers, new implant brands, new surfaces, and new marketing strategies. It was a good point to call a time-out to question where we came from, where we are, and where we seem to be heading. Dr Jokstad attempts to answer these questions based on the current evidence and reflecting on the many significant developments in the field of osseointegration and the current and future applications of dental implant(s) to support intraoral and extraoral prostheses. The contribution to this book of a long list of the stakeholders in modern implant dentistry provide an expert discussion of what we know, what we think we know, and what we need to find out in all aspects on implant dentistry and osseointegration, from basic science background to clinical relevance.

The 24 chapters of this book reflect the integration of the essential factors contributing to long-term clinical success. Additionally, it conceptualizes and refines these individual elements based on the current evidences to improve the understanding of osseointegration in daily practicing to solve our patients' problems in more predictable ways. Three intertwined treatment planning phases can be identified in the practical application process: a total treatment planning strategy (Chapters 2, 3, and 4); a surgery planning strategy (Chapter 5); and a restorative planning strategy (Chapters 15 and 16). These planning phases take into account patient centred considerations (risk factors [Chapters 3 and 4], healing predictability [Chapters 11, 12, and 13]), and consideration of the probabilities of possible outcomes of implant interventions (Chapters 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22). The interventional phase falls into four categories: diagnostic and presurgical (Chapters 6, 7, and 8), the surgical (Chapter 10), and restorative (Chapter 14), although at times some of these converge. Each intervention involves the use of different biomaterials for possible site optimizing (Chapter 9) and ultimately for the different components of the supraconstruction (Chapter 17). The 3 remaining chapters on the assessment of technology in implant therapy (Chapter 1), educational requirements for practice (Chapter 24), and use of craniofacial and dental implants in adolescent children (Chapter 23) are unprecedented topics in any previous dental implant textbook that complement the practical elements of implant therapy. This book provides a standalone comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art implant dentistry and a guide to the current advances and future directions of the clinical practice of implant dentistry including the science of osseointegration. This book is a must-read for dental practitioners and researchers looking for the evidences in the field of implant dentistry.

Omar Bayyati, BDS, MDS, mIADR (Implantology), mIADR (Prosthodontics)