The American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID) Research Foundation is instrumental in the continued development of implant dentistry and oral health. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are in the midst of the “perfect storm.” We all know too well the deep federal deficit, rising expenditures for our national security, and multiple, unexpected economic and physical devastations our government currently faces. These all impact the ability of the government to maintain and/or grow funding for worthy, health related research projects. This all comes at a time when the evidence relating systemic and oral health is evolving. The NIH budget rose from $13 billion to $27 billion in a plan known as “the doubling” from 1998 to 2003. This tsunami of cash has disappeared, causing devastation to the personal careers and projects of life scientists. This is particularly true for those scientists in the early phases of their careers. The NIH crisis creates concern for the profession as the opportunity for progress on multiple fronts lacks appropriate financial support. The increased grant demand and relatively stagnant funding for NIH has lead many researchers to seek out funding from private foundations such as the AAID Research Foundation. The number of applications requesting funding from the AAID Foundation has increased dramatically and the quality of the projects has significantly improved.
The AAID is the oldest implant organization in the United States, yet it has limited influence in academia. We are in a position through the AAID Research Foundation to make up substantial ground in our role as an implant organization impacting dental education in our Dental Schools. This can be achieved by offering financial support for relevant research projects. We want the students and universities to “investigate” the AAID and find us to be a remarkable organization supporting evidence-based dental implant knowledge through our continuing education programs, publications, and professional interaction in addition to supporting cutting edge research.
Your financial contributions to the AAID Research Foundation will assist in providing the necessary funding for our colleagues in dental implant research, resulting in increased visibility of the AAID in academia. You do not need to be a member of the AAID to contribute and your donations are tax deductible. So many in America find displeasure with what “the government” does (either by Republicans or Democrats), therefore this is a way for you to spend otherwise taxable dollars the way you want.
I encourage each of you to support the AAID Research Foundation. Online donations can be made at: A pledge form can be downloaded or a pledge may be made online. Additionally, membership annual renewal forms provide the opportunity to contribute.